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Configuring Doctrine for Email Queue Management in Mautic with Cron Jobs

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Configuring Doctrine for Email Queue Management in Mautic with Cron Jobs


This guide provides a detailed process to configure Mautic to use Doctrine for managing email queues, implementing cron jobs to automate the process, and ensuring efficient and stable email delivery.

Step 1: Setting Up Doctrine for Email Queues

Option 1: Configuring via local.php File

  1. Locate the local.php File
    • The local.php file is typically found in the app/config directory of your Mautic installation.
  2. Edit the Configuration File
    • Add or modify the following settings in the local.php file:
    return array(
    // Other Mautic configuration settings...
    'messenger' => [
        'default_bus' => 'messenger.bus.default',
        'transports' => [
            'doctrine' => [
                'dsn' => 'doctrine://default?table_name=messenger_messages',
    // Additional configuration settings...
  3. Save the File
    • Save the changes. These settings will be applied during the next queue processing.

Option 2: Configuring via Mautic's Queue Configuration Screen

  1. Access the Queue Configuration Screen
    • Log in to your Mautic dashboard.
    • Navigate to Settings > Queue Settings.
  2. Configure the Queue Settings
    • Queue Transport: Doctrine
    • Scheme: doctrine
    • Host: default
    • Table Name: messenger_messages
  3. Save the Configuration
    • Click Save & Close to apply the changes.

Step 2: Implementing Cron Jobs for Automated Email Sending

Creating the Shell Script

  1. Create the Script
    • Save the following script as /path/to/mautic/var/lock/
    # Path to the lock file
    # Define the lock file timeout (9 minutes = 540 seconds)
    # Function to log messages
    log() {
        echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - $1" >> "$LOGFILE"
    log "Script started."
    # Check if the lock file exists
    if [ -e $LOCKFILE ]; then
        LOCKFILE_AGE=$(($(date +%s) - $(stat -c %Y $LOCKFILE)))
        if [ $LOCKFILE_AGE -ge $LOCKFILE_TIMEOUT ]; then
            log "Lock file is older than $LOCKFILE_TIMEOUT seconds. Removing stale lock file."
            rm -f $LOCKFILE
            log "Process is already running. Exiting."
            exit 1
    # Create the lock file
    touch $LOCKFILE
    log "Lock file created."
    # Run the messenger:consume command for emails with increased verbosity and log the output
    log "Starting to consume messages..."
    /usr/bin/php /path/to/mautic/bin/console messenger:consume email --limit=60 --time-limit=480 --memory-limit=128M -vvv >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1
    log "Finished consuming messages."
    # Remove the lock file when done
    rm -f $LOCKFILE
    log "Lock file removed."
    log "Script finished."
  2. Make the Script Executable
    • Grant execute permissions to the script:
    chmod +x /path/to/mautic/var/lock/

Configuring the Cron Job

  1. Open the Crontab
    • Edit your crontab with the following command:
    crontab -e
  2. Add the Cron Job
    • Add this line to your crontab:
    */10 * * * * /path/to/mautic/var/lock/ >> /path/to/mautic/var/logs/mautic_consume.log 2>&1

    This schedules the script to run every 10 minutes, logging output to mautic_consume.log.

Setting Up Directories and Permissions

  1. Create Necessary Directories
    • Ensure the required directories exist:
    mkdir -p /path/to/mautic/var/lock
    mkdir -p /path/to/mautic/var/logs
  2. Check Permissions
    • Verify that the user running the cron job has appropriate permissions for these directories.

Testing the Setup

  1. Run the Script Manually
    • Test the script by running it manually:
  2. Check the Logs
    • Monitor the log file to ensure the script is processing emails correctly:
    tail -f /path/to/mautic/var/logs/mautic_consume.log

Step 3: Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Disk Space and Table Management

  • Warning: The messenger_messages table can fill up quickly, especially under heavy load. Regularly monitor disk space and consider implementing automated cleanup routines to prevent crashes.
  • Alternative Queues: If Doctrine struggles with high volumes, consider switching to a more scalable queue system like Redis or RabbitMQ.

Additional Logging

  • Verbose Logs: The -vvv flag in the script provides detailed logs that can help diagnose issues.

Common Issues

  • Lock File Persistence: Ensure the script removes the lock file after processing to avoid blocking future executions.
  • Message Backlog: If the messenger_messages table fills up, consider adjusting cron timings or migrating to a different transport.
Configuring Doctrine for Email Queue Management in Mautic with Cron Jobs

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