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Working with Forms in Mautic

Forms are one of Mautic's most important features, as they are used to collect user information and to identify them throughout the use of a cookie that is set on form submit. Forms are often used in conjunction with another core feature of Maut Read More

What is Mautic?

Mautic is the world's first Open Source Marketing Automation platform. It was created by DB Hurley and launched in 2014 as an Open Source project under the GPL v3 license. You can find out more on our website,, or on Github. You can Read More

What is Mautic's API?

Mautic has a great API to interact with other systems. The REST API serves as a powerful gateway to the Mautic system. It supports an ample amount of calls allowing users to programmatically create, read, delete, and modify different components withi Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 14